Masseur Leiden | Salvador Massage

Salvador Massage

The Neck & Shoulder Specialist


Salvador Massage has been a member of the Dutch Society of Sports masseurs – the N.G.S. (Nederlands Genootschap van Sportmasseurs)- since 2004, which is authorized by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (O.C.&W.), I am a member of the European Association of Sports Massage and I am a registered overseas subscriber to the A.M.T.A. (American Massage Therapy Association). I have also completed the Sports First Aid Course from the Oranje Kruis. I am insured at Aon.

AMTA Code of Ethics as conducted at Salvador Massage:

This code of ethics is a summary statement of the standards by which massage therapists agree to conduct their practices and is a declaration of the general principles of acceptable, ethical and professional behavior. 

Massage therapists shall:
  • Demonstrate commitment to provide the highest quality of massage therapy/bodywork to those who seek their professional service.
  • Acknowlegde the inherent worth and individuality of each person by not discriminating or behaving in any prejudicial manner with clients and/or colleagues.
  • Demonstrate professional excellence through regular self-assessment of strengths, limitations and effectiveness by continued education and training.
  • Acknowledge the confidential nature of the professional relationship with clients and respect each client’s right to privacy.
  • Conduct all business and professional activities within their scope of practice, the law of the land and project a professional image.
  • Refrain from engaging in any sexual conduct or sexual activities involving their clients.
  • Accept responsibility to do no harm to the physical, mental and emotional well-being of self, clients, and associates.