Range of Techniques
Usually the choice for the massage modalities lies with the masseur. So you do not need to understand the techniques nor wether they’re appropriate or not. I ask you about your ailment and I bring together the necessary techniques for a suitable treatment.
Sports massage
System of techniques designed to inspect, assess and bring the athlete to rest after the athletic performance or to prepare him/her for said performance. Sports massage offers good techniques for treating muscle ache after an intense workout at e.g. the gym and trains the massage therapist in safe functional and structural testing as well, in technical terms this is called differential diagnostics.
Sports massage on a regular basis of course also has the function of physical maintenance: emerging ailments are noticed in time and nipped in the bud early on.
Deep Tissue Massage
This is the slow, deep form of bodywork which is mostly chosen in cases of local anatomical asymmetry that results in muscle stiffness or even pain, sometimes chronic pain. Deep Tissue massage is a way to attempt to neutralise the asymmetry by stretching and relaxing the deeper layer of muscles responsible for the pain or asymmetry. Uses mostly heavy, detailed techniques.
Thai Massage
This ancient system of stretches, exercises and compression techniques for the body was designed to stimulate the 10 energy lines that flow through our body. By compression of certain points on these energy lines, energy is released back into our system. At Salvador massage we don’t work with the 10 energy lines. Techniques we do work with concern stretches to maintain suppleness and good functioning of your joints.
Esalen Massage
Esalen evolved in California on the Big Sur and is the home of the ‘Long Stroke’: a rich, languid, smooth stroke. Esalen massage will bring you sublime sedation and ease of mind, it can easily be enjoyed as a meditation but will also instruct the masseur to stay open to problematic areas on the anatomy of the client. It thus also consists of the necessary detail work.
Swedish Massage
Swedish massage is the classic of all schools of western bodywork and is easily recognized by well known techniques such as long strokes, detail work done with different parts of the hands and the fact that a larger part of the physique is uncovered to facilitate the long languid techniques utilized.
Triggerpoint Massage
Trigger Point Massage is a form of pain management. Pain in muscles is sometimes caused by functional overload which causes a cramp in a particular muscle at its weakest point. This is usually so small that you do not feel it immediately. However, the body reacts by recruiting surrounding muscles to take over the work. In these muscles, which are not used to the work, pain symptoms can then arise. In other cases, the cramp pain will be diverted (parasegmentally) to another place through the fascia or the muscle membrane. The art here is to see the bigger picture and to find the cause, the cramped area. In this area, recovery can be stimulated by counteracting the cramp by using slow, deep strokes.
Advice concerning treatment of injuries and complaints, sterile infections, home exercises, etcetera.
The above explanation is mainly for information purposes. You do not have to choose a specific type of massage or technique. The masseur will forge a customized treatment plan for you based on your wishes and physical complaints as discussed during the intake. At regular intervals the masseur will evaluate with you whether the approach is still correct.
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