Masseur Leiden | Salvador Massage

Salvador Massage

The Neck & Shoulder Specialist

Complaints and conditions for which Salvador Massage can provide relief:

Shoulder and neck problems

Complaints and pain that occur from excessive use of PC, laptop, smartphone, machine, car or musical instruments, such as difficulty with: lifting the arms, turning the neck or trunk, keeping the upper back straight and the familiar feeling of tension between the shoulder blades.

Chronic stress

With prolonged stress, increased muscle tension occurs throughout the body as the sympathetic nervous system takes over. Massage accelerates the action of its counterpart, the parasympathetic nervous system. This allows relaxation to prevail for a while and gives the body the opportunity to continue its regenerative processes.

Tension headaches

A form of headache of which the cause is primarily mental and the consequence physical. Due to tension that has been applied for too long, the tensile force of the shoulder and neck muscles on the skull tendon plate is too great, causing pain.

Tennis elbow/golfers elbow

A sterile inflammation of the lower protrusions of the upper arm. It occurs with uninterrupted strain of the forearm muscles.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

An entrapment in the wrist region of the arm nerves that control the hands and fingers.

Increased muscle tension

(stiff muscles): causes can be e.g. long car rides, incorrect sleeping positions, watching TV for too long etc.

Back Pain

Too diverse for a brief explanation!


A sudden pull or compression on the vertebrae of the neck or upper back. Consequences are very different in nature: from purely physical ailments to personality changes.


Massage can bring relief from pain in inflammation and wear and tear of the joints.

Difference in leg length

An often underestimated cause of back and shoulder pain.

Frozen shoulder

An uncontrolled increased contraction of the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder joint. This is usually accompanied by bursitis under the shoulder joint. A clear cause is not yet known, but there are various treatment methods from physiotherapy to massage and medication.


Fibromyalgia, also called soft tissue rheumatism, is a rheumatic disease. Fibromyalgia is recognized in many cases after long and intensive doctor visits. The diagnosis can only be made by a rheumatologist. The disorder is characterized by pain in the musculoskeletal system, which is usually chronic in nature. The pain is located in muscles, joint attachments and tendons, among others, throughout the body.

The pain is described by many patients as a form of muscle pain that you normally also feel when you have a severe flu. Except that fibromyalgia patients have it almost daily. The pain occurs mainly in the neck, shoulders, hands, pelvis, legs, feet, and back. Unfortunately, pain is not the only problem.

Common other complaints are: poor sleep – whether due to the pain or not, fatigue, bowel problems, hormonal imbalance, depression, headaches, and/or dizziness.